Friday, October 29, 2010

Hoogle Boogle Express Test 10/31

Sunday October 31st.-

This Sunday is our Hoogle Boogle Express Test. Hoogle Boogle is a review game that we play at the end of each series to go over what we learned throughout the month. Here are some review questions:

  1. The first part of our Catch Phrase is: "Our mission is to spread ___ _______ __ _____." (the message of Jesus)
  2. What does ABC stand for? (Admit, Believe, Confess)
  3. Who were Jonah and Alexis following? (a possible team member, Evangeline)
  4. Finish the second part of our Catch Phrase: "Our mission is to spread the message of Jesus, To share Jesus' love through ___ _______." (our example)
  5. Share a time when you were a good example to someone else.
  6. What do you call a friend who helps you to be more like Jesus? (an accountability partner)
  7. Finish the third part of our Catch Phrase: "To show them Jesus' love through ___ _______." (our service)
  8. What sort of service project did Evangeline do? (gave food to the homeless)
  9. How should our service be different than community service that a lot of people do? (we serve people to show them God's love for them)
  10. What is a good way to lead people to Jesus? (share your story of how Jesus changed your life)
  11. What is another name for "your story"? (your testimony)

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