Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I believe that one of the first things people discover about me is that I am very much a people person. Even though I am a borderline extrovert/introvert, I enjoy being around people, building friendships through hanging out, playing games, making others laugh, and I believe as with most people, one of my greatest desires is to be understood by those around me and who know me.

About Me
That being said, I would like to take this chance, as my first blog, to explain a little about myself and the purpose for creating this blog. First, about me, as you can read in my "about" section, I am originally from Montana, (a bit of information I like to share whenever I get the chance), and I came out to New York to attend a Bible College in Lima. I had planned on attending for one year but as with many instances, the way God has ordered my steps was not exactly as I had planned. In the final semester of my senior year, I started praying and asking God what the exact calling was that He had on my life. I had heard so many times that we all have a calling but it dawned on me as I was about to graduate that I hadn't ever discovered my calling. So my first thought was simply to ask. God responded by giving me a picture: He showed me myself standing at a wall and as people came to me I would give them a boost so they could make it over. He gave me this word; that He has created me to be an "equipper" - someone who would give others a boost into their specific calling. Later I came across this verse which I have adopted as "Rob's Verse"

"To equip the saints for the work of ministry" Eph. 4:12.
Or as Eugene Peterson puts it in the Message Bible,

"To train Christ's followers in skilled servant work, working within Christ's body, the church, until we're all moving rhythmically and easily with each other, efficient and graceful in response to God's Son, fully mature adults, full developed within and without, fully alive like Christ."
About the BLOG
As for the purpose of this blog, it's rather simple. My desire is to give the parents of Elim Gospel Church and possibly other parents and children's workers a place where they can be equipped to reach and minister to their own children. My goal is to accomplish this through weekly articles, tips and information on what is happening and being taught in Kidz Express. I would love for this to be one more way parents can connect with their children and take an active role in their spiritual development.

I honestly believe that God has placed at least 2 lights on earth that will point people back to Him, the Family and the Church, and if these two established influences can work together, we will see the next generation experience the Kingdom of God like we have never imagined!

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