Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Kidz Quest

Kidz Quest is a discipleship program tailored especially for your grade schoolers from 6-8pm on Sunday nights during the school year. Starting September 11 we will be kicking off Kidz Quest for the school year and will be taking 28 weeks to look through the life of Jesus and into the days of the early church. We also have childcare available for infants-preschool from 6-8pm. 

We encourage you to Check Out One of Our Community Groups and bring your kids by the church from 6-8pm.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

You Have The Power to Do The Impossible

How many times have you read the words of Jesus, "Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these..." and didn't pause long enough to think about what he meant or wrote it off as something that didn't imply doing the impossible? Or maybe doing the impossible is only intended for a small portion of the truly dedicated Christian population? I know there have been countless times when I wouldn't allow God to do the impossible through me because of my unbelief, doubt, or because I was too terrified to be obedient... and honestly it will probably happen again. But the reality is that Jesus says that "whoever believes" meaning all those who believe have access to a power in God that is as easy and natural for Him as it is for us to breathe.What if we could begin to train ourselves to quiet the arguments our minds make, or the lies the enemy feeds us and begin to move in this way?

This brings us to our 6th and final Express Truth, "With Jesus, Nothing is Impossible." This Sunday we are going to briefly look at the lives of the disciples and their journey from uneducated fishermen and tradesmen to Spirit filled miracles workers and what it means to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

You Have the Power to Love Others.

This Sunday we will be looking at Express Truth #5 - Just as God has treated me with Love, I treat others with LOVE. If you didn't notice, this is a variation on the golden rule: Treat other the way you want to be treated, which comes from Jesus's sermon on the mount in Matthew 7:12.

Jesus was by far the best example we have of following this truth and if we set ourselves up to follow His example we will ultimately fulfill this truth without even trying. Unfortunately it is so easy for us to put ourselves before others and even forget why this is not a good practice. But as we reflect on God's eternal love for us, we see that even when it's hard, even we have been wronged, just as God loved us while we were in our sin, we can love others when they are nice to us or mean to us.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Encouraging your kids

For whatever reason there are those of us who have a natural ability to encourage and inspire others. In fact it is even attributed as a gifting that God gives some and it doesn't take long to realize who those people are. But for the rest of us (fortunately) we're not necessarily off the hook in this department, especially when you have kids. It becomes our responsibility to be our children's greatest encouragers. This doesn't mean that we become unrealistic or unauthentic in the way we encourage them, but we do need to realize the importance and even the power of encouraging others. Recently I came across this blog by Carey Nieuwhof about his struggle in learning a balance in encouraging his kids. Check out his post How to encourage your kids to read more.

If you need some help getting started, here are 101 ways to praise your child.