Thursday, December 30, 2010

Creative Fasting for the Whole Family

As we get closer to our Fast Forward series in the new year, I encourage you to start thinking about how you can use this opportunity to teach your kids about what it means to fast, how to fast with wisdom and for the right reasons, why Jesus fasted and why He asks us to follow His example. I think that because we so closely associate fasting with food, we forget that there are many creative ways we can get our kids involved in what we're doing and teach them why it is so important.

If you follow this link you will find a great article you can use, and even read with your kids about the 'whats', 'whys', and 'hows' of fasting. It also includes some creative ways for your kids to fast such as; fasting sweets, TV, video games, or fasting from 6pm-7am. Also, on the last page of the article you will find some great Bible studies you can read through with your kids.

Remember to teach them the importance of praying during the time they would have spent on what they're fasting. Last year I wrote out on my wall about 6 different areas I wanted to see God work and move in my life for the year so that it was constantly before me and reminding me to pray.

So pull the family together and Fast Forward...

For more resources on fasting, check out our website:

1 comment:

  1. Great resources on your blog. As a family, we discussed either doing a Daniel fast or fast from TV & video games. We decided to go with the Daniel fast. This should be an interesting experience!
