Saturday, April 21, 2012

Mirror Mirror, Who Am I?

Have you ever wondered where your identity comes from? From now until the end of May we are going to be looking at our identity according to the Bible, who God created us to be and learning, "In Christ I am a NEW CREATION, in Christ I am a Masterpiece!"

When we start realizing what types of mirrors we use to understand our identity, value and why we were created, we can easily see which ones we want to look into regularly, and which ones we want to avoid. Tomorrow we are going to identify several mirrors and the reflection they give, take a look at a few examples below:

a piece of glass in the bathroom :: our physical appearance
our mom or dad :: our name and our value
the Bible :: our true identity and how to live
the TV :: good/bad behaviors, beliefs, habits
friends :: good/bad behaviors, belonging

We will also be looking at 2 Corinthians 5:17 which says, "Anyone who believes in Christ is a new creation. The old is gone! The new has come!"

Preschool Lessons:
3s: God answers Hannah's prayers for a baby.
4s: Noah listens to God's words and builds an ark.
5s: The serpent tempts Eve in the garden.

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